13 Jun 2013

France Côté: Named one of the 8 key women in technology in Quebec

Incontournables_France-292x300We are proud to announce that France Côté, co-founder and patent agent at BENOÎT & CÔTÉ, has been named one of the key women in technology for Quebec. This honour was bestowed upon her by the magazine Premières en Affaires. They confer this title to women who have developed avant-garde ideas, who work towards the amelioration and increased efficiency of resources, and who implement unique strategies within the institutions and companies where they work.

Ideas can take you a long way. That is certainly the case for France Côté, whose career is built on believing in innovative ideas and seeing to their development. In 1988, a biochemistry degree in hand, she started working as a patent agent. After working for several companies and making her mark, she co-founded her own firm in 2009. As a bio-tech and pharmaceuticals specialist, she works with both start-ups and established multinationals. She is an effective listener and a determined advisor who guides her clients in the strategic development of their businesses. “I sit down with the entrepreneur and, together, we create value. That is what I find exciting!” (Premières en Affaires, June-July 2013 edition)

We invite you to read more about Première en Affaires’ 8 choices on their website.

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